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Read Work by the Denver Area’s Dr. Joel Cohen

2022 Publications


Joel L. Cohen, MD, Jean Carruthers, MD, Sue Ellen Cox, MD, Koenraad DeBoulle, MD, Steven Fagien, MD, Julia K Garcia, PhD, Regina Kelly, MA, Patricia Ogilvie, MD, Sara Sangha, PhD. Treatment of Upper Facial Lines with OnabotulinumtoxinA Results in Improved Clinical Outcomes, Including Psychological Impact and Long – Lasting Patient Satisfaction (submitted, Dermatologic Surgery)


Joel L. Cohen, Joely Kaufman – Janette, Matthew Meckfessel, Alessandra Ngueira, Allan Johnson, Sara Coquis – Knezek. A Retrospective Photographic Assessment of Changes in Brow Shape following AbobotulinumtoxinA for Glabellar Lines. (Submitted, Dermatologic Surgery)


Joel L. Cohen, MD, Jessica Hicks, PhD, Alessandra Nogueira, MD, Bill Andriopoulos, PhD. Eight – year Post – market Safety Experience with a Flexible Lip Filler (in press, Dermatologic Surgery


Jacob Inda, Joel Cohen. Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing. (in press, Lasers, Lights and Energy Devices, fifth edition)


M Juhasz, S Freeman, J Cohen. Botulinum Toxins Chapter. Cosmetic Dermatology 3rd Edition, edited by Zoe Draelos (in press)


Fidai C, Ozog D, Cohen J. Chapter in Sadick Complications. Avoiding and Treating Filler Necrosis (in press, Textbook Neil Sadick)


Amanda Maisel – Campbell, MD; Alexandra Weil BA; Sanjana Iyengar, MD; Matthew S. Schaeffer, MD; Katherine Lin, BS; Vishnu Harikumar, BA; Juliet L. Aylward, MD; Omar Bari, MD; Hamza Bhatti, DO; Diana Bolotin, MD, PhD; Basil S. Cherpelis, MD; Joel L. Cohen, MD; Sean Condon, MD; Hillary W. Crystal, RN; Sheila Farhang, MD; Bahar Firoz, MD; Algin B. Garrett, MD; Roy G. Geronemus, MD; Nicholas J. Golda, MD; Dyann Helming, MSN, APRN; Tatyana R. Humphreys, MD; Eva Hurst, MD; Oren H. Jacobson, BS; S. Brian Jiang, MD; Pritesh S. Karia, PhD, MPH; Arash Kimyai – Asadi, MD; David J. Kouba, MD, PhD; James G. Lahti, MD, MPH; Martha Laurin Council, MD; Marilyn Le, BA; Deborah F. MacFarlane, MD, PhD; Ian A. Maher, MD; Stanley J. Miller, MD; Eduardo Moioli, MD, PhD; Meghan Morrow, MD; Julie Neckman, MD; Timothy Pearson, MD; Samuel R. Peterson, MD; Christine Poblete – Lopez, MD; Chad Prather, MD; Jennifer S. Ranario, MD, MBA; Ashley G. Rubin, MD; Chrysalyne D. Schmults, MD; Andrew M. Swanson, MD; Christopher Urban, MD; Y. Gloria Xu, MD; Simon Yoo, MD; Emily Poon, PhD; Murad Alam, MD, MSCI, MBA. Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Patients Over 85: A Prospective, Multicenter Cohort Study. ( JAMA Dermatology: May 2022 – doi: 10.001/jamadermatol.2022.1733)


Margit Juhasz, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD.Maude Database for Characterizing Ocular Adverse Events After Dermal Filler Injection (Dermatologic Surgery: 00597 – 2021.R1)


Kelsey A, Bordelon J, Scheiner P, Cohen J, Finch J. Risk factors and Prevention Strategies for Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Transplant Recipients. ( International Journal of Dermatology: January 2022 – 1 – 7)


Joel L. Cohen, MD; Jessica Hicks, PhD; Allessandra Nogueira, MD; Vanessa Lane, PhD; and Christina Atuma, PhD. Post – marketing safety surveillance of delayed complications for recent FDA – approved hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. ( Dermatologic Surgery: Februar y 2022 – 48: 220 – 224)

2021 Publications


Brittany Urso, MD, Joel Cohen, MD. Case Report of Anetoderma – Like Skin Lesions After Vacuum – Assisted Tissue Stabilized – Guided Subcision Treatment of Cellulite. ( Journal of Dermatologic Surgery: October 2021 – 47: 1417


Amir Moradi, MD, Jeremy B Green, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD, John H. Joseph, MD, Rada Dakovic, PhD, Gemma Odena, PhD, Amit Verma, PhD, Richard Scher, MD. Effectiveness and Safety of Calcium Hydroxylapatitewith Lidocaine for Improving Jawline Contour (Journal Of Drugs In Dermatology: November 2021 – 20: 1231 – 1238)


Natalie C. Zeitouni, MDCM, FRCPC, Neal Bhatia, MD, Roger I. Ceilley, MD, Joel Cohen, MD, James Q. Del Rosso, DO, Angela Y. Moore, MD, Gilly Munavalli, MD, MHS, FACMS, David M. Pariser, MD, FACP, FAAD, Todd E. Schlesinger,+A14:B29 MD, FAAD, FASMS, Daniel M Siegel, MD, MS, Andrea Willey, MD, Mitchel P. Goldman, MD. Photody namic Therapy wit ALA 10% Gel and Red Light for the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis, Non – melanoma Skin Cancers, and Acne: Current Evidence and Best Practices (Journal of Clinical and Aesthtic Dermatology: October 2021; 14 (10): E53 – E65)


Brittany Urso, MD, Joel Cohen, MD. Case Report of Anetoderma-Like Skin Lesions After Vacuum-Assisted Tissue Stabilized-Guided Subcision Treatment of Cellulite. (in press, Journal of Dermatologic Surgery)


Jacob Inda, Joel Cohen. Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing. (in press, Lasers, Lights and Energy Devices, fifth edition)


M Juhasz, S Freeman, J Cohen. Botulinum Toxins Chapter. Cosmetic Dermatology 3rd Edition, edited by Zoe Draelos (in press)


Fidai C, Ozog D, Cohen J. Chapter in Sadick Complications. Avoiding and Treating Filler Necrosis (in press, Textbook Neil Sadick)


Surget Cox, MD, Christopher Zachary, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD. Skin preparation for Photodynamic Therapy, Chemexfoliation, and Ablative Laser Resurfacing; a Systematic Literature Review (Journal of Dermatological Surgery: July 2021 – 47: 938 -941)


Margit LW Juhasz, MD, Christopher Zachary, MBBS, FRCP, Joel L Cohen, MD. Mask Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Causing Undesirable Post-Operative Wound Complications. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Published Ahead of Print – Online)


Surget Cox MD, Dong Joo Kim MD, Joel L. Cohen MD, Patrick K. Lee MD. Ergonomics in Dermatologic Procedures Part 2: Injectables (Dermatologic Surgery, Published Ahead of Print – Online)


Brook Rothstein, Joel Cohen. An Updated Workup for Patients With Xanthelasma Palpebral (Dermatologic Surgery – Published Ahead of Print – Online)


Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, FACS; Jeffrey M. Adelglass; Rui L. Avelar, MD; Leslie Baumann, MD; Kenneth R. Beer, MD; Joel L. Cohen, MD; Sue Ellen Cox, MD; Steven H. Dayan, MD; Jeffrey S. Dover, MD; Jeanine B. Downie, MD; Zoe Diana Draelos, MD; Mitchell P. Goldman, MD; John E. Gross, MD, FACS; John H. Joseph, MD; Joely Kaufman-Janette, MD; Ronald L. Moy, MD; Mark Nestor, MD; Joel Thomas Schlessinger, MD; Stacy R. Smith, MD; Robert A. Weiss, MD. The Second of Two One-Year, Multicenter, Open-Label, Repeat-Dose, Phase II Safety Studies of PrabotulinumtoxinA for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Glabellar Lines in Adult Patients. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal: June 2021- 1-16).


Joel L. Cohen, MD. The Pendulum Should Swing Back: Combination Full Field ER: YAG and Fracitional Ablative Lasers for Photoaging (Dermatologic Surgery: June 2021)


Margit LW Juhasz, MD, MSc; Christopher Zachary, MBBS, FRCP; Joel L Cohen, MD. Ocular complications after laser or light-based therapy – dangers dermatologists should know. (Dermatologic Surgery: May 2021- 47: 624-629)


Margit Juhasz, MD, MSc, Joel L Cohen, MD. Treatment of Hypertrophic Scarring Attempted Caustic Tattoo Removal (Dernatologic Surgery: April 2021 – 47: 579-580)


Joel L. Cohen, MD; Lawrence J. Green, MD; Kenneth R. Beer, MD; Yan Liu, MSc; Conor J. Gallagher, PhD. Prior Botulinum Toxin Treatment Does Not Impact Efficacy or Safety in Clinical Trials: Analysis of DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection in the SAKURA Program (Dermatologic Surgery: April 2021 – 47: 511-515)


Joel Schlessinger, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD, Ava Shamban, MD, Carolyn Jacob, MD, Kian Karimi, MD, Corey Maas, MD, Vanessa Lane, PhD, Sarah Coquis-Knezek, PhD, Matthew Meckfessel, PhD. A Multicenter Study to Evaluate Subject Satisfaction with Two Treatments of AbobotulinumtoxinA a Year in the Glabellar Lines (Dermatologic Surgery: April 2021 – 47: 504-509)


Joel L. Cohen, MD; Alexander Rivkin, MD; Steven Dayan, MD; Ava Shamban, MD; W. Philip Werschler, MD; Vic A. Narurkar, MD; Craig F. Teller, MD; Michael S. Kaminer, MD; Jonathan M. Sykes, MD; Susan H. Weinkle, MD; Julie K. Garcia, PhD. Multimodal Facial Aesthetic Treatment on the Appearance of Aging, Social Confidence, and Psychological Well-being: Harmony Study. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal: March 2021: 1 – 10)


Sawaya, Jennifer MD; Champlain, Amanda MD; Cohen, Joel MD; Avram, Mathew MD. Barriers to Reporting: Limitations of the Maude Database (Dermatologic Surgery: March 21 – 47: 424-425)


Shannon Humphrey, MD; Joel L. Cohen, MD; Ashish C. Bhatia, MD; Lawrence J. Green, MD; Jeremy B. Green, MD; Beta Bowen, MS. Improvements in Submental Contour Achieved With ATX-101 Are Maintained for Up to 3 Years: Efficacy and Safety Follow-up of the Phase 3 REFINE Trials. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal, February 2021: 1-8).


Ajay N. Sharma BS, Brent Martin MD, Eric C. Haupt ScM, Hege Sarpa MD, Joel L. Cohen MD. Variables Affecting Basal Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma-in-situ Excision Clearance: a Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study. (Dermatologic Surgery: February 2021- 47: 184-188)


J Pozner, J Cohen, J Burns, C Robb, B Dibernardo. Laser Resurfacing Perspective. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal, February 2021 – 2: 34-46)


Melissa Shive, MD, MPH, Zhe Hou, MD, PhD, Christopher Zachary, FRCP, Joel Cohen, MD, Rivers Jason, MD, FRCPC. The Use of Chlorhexidine as a Skin Preparation on the Head and Neck: A Systematic Review. (Dermatologic Surgery, January 2021 – 47: 34-37).


Joel L. Cohen, MD; Steve H. Dayan, MD; Mathew M. Avram, MD; Renato Saltz, MD; Suzanne Kilmer, MD; Corey S. Maas, MD; Joel Schlessinger, MD. Aesthetic Office Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology,January 2021 – 20(1):10-16 )

2020 Publications


Cohen J, Nestor M, Redaelli A, Landau M, Hilton S, Nikolis A, Haq S, Prygova I, Viel M. Systematic Literature Review Examining the Efficacy of AbobotulinumtoxinA in Aesthetic Indications. (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, December 2020 – 83; AB154).


Joel L Cohen, MD, Margit LW Juhasz, MD, MSc; Microneedling for scar treatment: An Update for Clinicians (Clinical Cosmetic Dermatology, December 2020:13; 997-1003)


Mark Nestor, Joel L Cohen, Marina Landau, Said Hilton, Andreas Nikolis, Syed Haq, Maurizio Viel, Inna Prygova, Keith Foster, Philippe Picaut, Alessio Redaelli. Onset and duration of abobotulinumtoxinA for aesthetic use in the upper face: a systematic literature review. (Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, December 2020; 53-80).


Margit Juhasz, MD, MSc, Joel L. Cohen, MD. Rapid evolution of a squamous cell carcinoma in situ to locally invasive with perineural involvement. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology,November 2020; 1110-1111)


Surget Cox, MD, Christopher Zachary, MD, Joel Cohen, MD. Laser Plume from HPV Infected Tissue; a Literature Review. (Dermatologic Surgery, 2020-,46: 1676-1682).


Brooke E. Rothstein, MD; Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma as a complication of the 1927-nm thulium nonablative fractional laser. (Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology,October 2020;00:1–3)


Joel L. Cohen, MD, Neil S. Sadick, MD, M. Todd Kirby, MD, Michael P. McLane, PhD, William R. Lenderking, PhD, Randall H. Bender, PhD, Jun Chen, PhD, David Hurley, MD, Naomi B. Knoble, PhD, Genzhou Liu, PhD, Qinfang Xiang, PhD, Jeffrey A. Davidson, PhD, Mitchel P. Goldman, MD. Development and Validation Clinician and Patient Reported Photonumeric Scales to Assess Buttocks Cellulite Severity. (Dermatologic Surgery, September 2020; 00:1–8)


Brandon Worley, MD, MSc, Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Reconstruction of Cutaneous Defects of the Ear Using the Post-Auricular Reservoir: A Systematic Review (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, September 2020; 19(9)).


Sabrina G Fabi, Joel L Cohen, Lawrence J Green, Sunil Dhawan, Theda C Kontis, Leslie Baumann, Todd M Gross, Conor J Gallagher, Jessica Brown, Roman G Rubio. DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines: Efficacy Results from SAKURA 3, a Large, Open-Label, Phase 3 Safety Study. (Dermatologic Surgery, August 2020; 00:1-8)


Brooke E. Rothstein MD, Joel L. Cohen MD FAAD FACMS. Complications of Cutaneous Surgery. (Dermatological Reviews, July 2020; 1-9)


Michael S. Kaminer, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD, Vic A. Narurkar, MD, Ava Shambam, MD, W. Philip Werschler, MD, Garrett T. Shumate, BS, Adrienne Drinkwater, PhD, Conor J. Gallagher, PhD. Maximizing Pan-Facial Aesthetic Outcomes: Findings and Recommendations From the HARMONY Study. (Dermatologic Surgery, June 2020; 46:810–817).


Kirsch B, Smith S, Cohen J, DuBois J, Green L, Baumann L, Bhatia N, Pariser D, Liu PY, Chadha D1, Walker P. Efficacy and safety of topical sofpironium bromide gel for the treatment of axillary Hyperhidrosis: A phase II, randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial. (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology; June 2020; 82(6): p1321-1327)


Ofir Artzi, Joel L Cohen, Jeffrey S Dover, Atchima Suwanchinda, Tatjana Pavicic, Marina Landau, Greg J Goodman, Sahar Ghannam, Firas Al Niaimi, Jani AJ van Loghem, Kate Goldie, Sonja Sattler, Daniel Cassuto, Ting Song Lim, Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha, Ines Verner, Tanja C Fischer, Vivian Bucay, Eli Sprecher, Dana Shalmon. Delayed Inflammatory Reactions to Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: A Literature Review and Proposed Treatment Algorithm (Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology; May 2020;13: 371–378)


Dana Shalmon, Joel L Cohen, Marina Landau, Ines Verner, Eli Sprecher, Ofir Artzi. Management Patterns of Delayed Inflammatory Reactions to Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers: An Online Survey in Israel (Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, May 2020; 13: 345-349)


Steve G. Yoelin, MD, Shino Bay Aguilera, DO FAAD; Joel L. Cohen, MD; Michael H. Gold, MD FAAD; Joely Kaufman, MD FAAD; Corey S. Maas, MD FACS. ABOUT FACE: Navigating Neuromodulators and Injection Techniques for Optimal Results. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, April 2020 Supplement; 19: s5-15).


Iyengar S, Yeager DG, Cohen, Ozog DM. Update and Review of Bleeding Considerations in Dermatologic Surgery: Hemostatic Techniques and Treatment Strategies for Bleeding Complications. (Dermatologic Surgery: February 2020 – 46: 203-212)


Iyengar S, Yeager DG, Cohen, Ozog DM. Update and Review of Bleeding Considerations in Dermatologic Surgery: Anticoagulants and Antiplatelets. (Dermatologic Surgery: February 2020 – 46: p 192-201)


Joel L. Cohen, MD, Joely Kaufman, MD, Marina I. Peredo, MD, Jay Mashburn, PhD. Assessment of psychological well-being following abobotulinumtoxinA treatment: a comparison of two reconstitution volumes. (Dermatologic Surgery, February 2020; 46(2):289-292).


Carruthers, Jean D. M.D. Fagien, Steve M.D., Joseph, John H. M.D,. Humphrey, Shannon D. M.D., Biesman, Brian S. M.D.; Gallagher, Conor J. Ph.D.; Liu, Yan M.Sc.; Rubio, Roman G. M.D.; The SAKURA 1 and SAKURA 2 Investigator Group includes the following: Cohen, Joel L. M.D.; Ho, Stephen M.D.; Cox, Sue Ellen M.D.; Soderberg, John M.D.; Swift, Arthur M.D.; Borsuk, Daniel M.D.; Papanastasiou, Vasilios M.D.; Shamban, Ava M.D.; Simzar, Soheil M.D.; Bertucci, Vince M.D.; Waller, Brittany M.D.; Boyd, Charles M.D.; Katz, Molly R.N.; Churchill, Lauren B.S.N.; Smith, Stacy M.D.; Burgess, Cheryl M.D.; Dhir, Karan M.D.; Draelos, Zoe M.D.; Draelos, Michael M.D.; Rosen, Nathan M.D.; Muhn, Channy M.D.; Bhatia, Ashish C. M.D.; Desai, Shraddha M.D.; Hsu, Te-Shao M.D.; Kelly, Christopher T. P.A.-C.; Brazell, Brandice M. M.S., P.A.-C.; Downie, Jeanine M.D.; Katz, Bruce M.D.; Woody, Marianne N.P.; Lupo, Mary M.D.; Souyoul, Skylar M.D.; Mariwalla, Kavita M.D.; Eviatar, Joseph M.D.; Werschler, Wm. Philip M.D.; Schade, Scott M.D.; Glogau, Richard G. M.D.; Jones, Derek M.D.; Black, Jeanette M. M.D.; Wesley, Naissan M.D.; Kaufman-Janette, Joely M.D.; Schlessinger, Joel M.D.; Hall, Jacqueline P.A.-C.; Perillo, Shea P.A.-C.; Dover, Jeffrey M.D.; Morton, Laurel M.D.; Solish, Nowell M.D.; Monheit, Gary M.D., Essig, Heidi P.A.-C.; Yoelin, Steve MD; Yoelin, Steve M.D. DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines: Results from Each of Two Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 Studies (SAKURA 1 and SAKURA 2) (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: January 2020 – 145:45-58)


M. Gold, J. Cohen. Topical Stabilized Hypochlorous Acid: The Future Gold Standard for Wound Care and Scar Management in Dermatologic and Plastic Surgical Procedures. (Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, January 2020; 00:1-8)

2019 Publications


Joel L. Cohen; Adam Friedman; Alan Menter; and Joel M. Gelfand. Mechanism of Action Matters: A Review of New and Emerging Biologics. (Practical Dermatology, December 2019 supplement)


Joel L.Cohen. Evaluation of Efficacy of a Skin Care Regimen Containing Methyl Estradiolpropanoate (MEP) for Treating Estrogen Deficient Skin. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, December 2019; 18(12):1226-1230).


Gold M, Andriessen A, Cohen JL, et al. Survey of Pre-/Post-Procedure Measures for Laser/Energy Treatments. (Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, December 2019; 00:1-7).


Joel Cohen, Deirdre Hooper. Platelet Rich Plasma in Aesthetic Dermatology. (The Dermatologist. October 2019.)


Amir Moradi, MD, Shaw Allen, MD, David Bank, MD, Ellen Marmur, MD, Steven Fagien, MD, Dee Anna Glaser, MD, Joel Cohen, MD, Courtney Maguire, MBA. A Prospective, Multi-center, Randomized, Evaluator-blinded, Split-hand Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Safety of Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine for the Correction of Volume Deficits in the Dorsal Hand. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,October 2019, 144(4):586e-596e).


Joely Kaufman, Joel L Cohen, Marina I Peredo, Brandie Jonas, Rebecca Down, Alessandra Nogueira. Clinical Assessment of 2 Licensed AbobotulinumtoxinA Injection Volumes for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines. (Dermatologic Surgery, October 2019; 45:1274–84)


Roy G Geronemus, Suzanne L Kilmer, Simeon H Wall Jr, Jeremy B Green, Joel L Cohen, Robert A Weiss, Tina S Alster, Michael S Kaminer, Anjali Gupta. An Observational Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Tissue Stabilized-Guided Subcision. (Dermatologic Surgery. August 2019: 45(8): 1057–1062).


Sama K. Carley, MD, Christinia N. Kraus, MD, and Joel L. Cohen, MD. Nitroglycerin, or Not, when Treating Impending Filler Necrosis. (Dermatologic Surgery. July 2019)


Mo, Joshua H.; Chapman, Lance W.; Cohen, Joel L. A Clinical Review of Common Medications Used in Emergency Dermatological Situations (Dermatologic Surgery. May 2019;45(5):652-65).


Brandon Worley, MD, MSc, Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Combination of Fractional Resurfacing and Dermabrasion Techniques to Improve Aesthetic Outcomes of Facial Grafts. (Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. March 2019: 18(3) 217-218).


Cohen, J. Managing AEs Associated with HA Fillers: An Update. Practical Dermatology. (February 2019: 56-57).


Brian S. Biesman, MD, Joel L. Cohen, MD, Barry E. DiBernardo, MD, Jason J. Emer, MD, Roy G. Geronemus, MD, Michael H. Gold, MD, Gary D. Monheit, MD, Todd E. Schlesinger, MD, Craig F. Teller, MD. Treatment of Atrophic Facial Acne Scars with Microneedling Followed by Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)-Collagen Gel Dermal Filler. (Dermatologic Surgery. February 2019).

2018 Publications


Brandon Worley, MD, MSc. Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Maintenance of the Anatomic Contours in Auricular Reconstruction: The Button Technique. (Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. July-September 2018: 11(3) 150-152).


Joely Kaufman, MD, Joel Cohen, MD, Marina I. Peredo, MD, Brandie Jonas, MS, Alessandra Nogueira, MD, Jay Mashhburm, PhD. Two on-label injection volumes of abobotulinumtoxinA produce similar safety and efficacy results when used to treat moderate to severe glabellar lines. (JAAD. September 2018: 79(3) AB305).


Brandon Worley, MD, MSc, Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Combination Ablative Approach to Laser Therapy in Advanced Aging of the Face. (JDD. July 2018: 17(7) 796-799).


Brandon Worley, MD, MSc, Andrew Nemechek, MD, FACS, Samantha Stoler, MD, FAAD, Joel L. Cohen, MD, FAAD, FACMS. Naturopathic Self-Treatment of an Atypical Fibroxanthoma with Coal Tar Therapy. (JDD. June 2018: 17(6) 611-613).


Joel L. Cohen, MD, Arthur Swift, MD, Nowell Solish, MD, Steven Fagien, MD, Dee Anna Glaser, MD. OnabotulinumtoxinA and Hyaluronic Acid in Facial Wrinkles and Folds: A Prospective, Open-label Comparison. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal. May 2018: 1-14).

2017 Publications


Fagien S, Cohen JL, Coleman W, Monheit G, Carruthers J, Mao C, Vitarella D, Lei X, Hardas B. Efficacy and Safety of OnabotulinumtoxinA for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Forehead Lines. Dermatologic Surgery. December 2017: 43: S274-S284.


Sogyong L. Auh, Sanjana Iyelengar, Alexadra Weil, Diana Bolotin, Todd V. Cartee, Jeffrey S. Dover, Ian A. Maher, Joseph F. Sobanko, Joel L. Cohen, Emily Poon, and Murad Alam. Quantification of Noninvasive Fat Reduction: A Systematic Review. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. December 2017: 1-15.


Weinkle SH, Werschler W.P, Teller CF, Sykes J, Shamban A, Rivkin A, Narurkar VA, Kaminer MS, Dayan S, Cohen JL, Gallagher CJ. Impact of comprehensive, minimally invasive, multimodal aesthetic treatment on satisfaction with facial appearance: the HARMONY study. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, INC. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. June 2017: 1-17.


Manno K, Cohen JL. Temporal Association of Herpes Zoster Eruption Post-Aminolevulinic Acid Hydrochloride Photodynamic Therapy for Actinic Keratoses. JDD. August 2017: 817-818.


Almeida AT, Cohen JL. Axillary hyperhidrosis treatment with Botulinum toxin. In Cohen, Botulinum Toxins: Cosmetic and Clinical Applications. Wiley-Blackwell. September 2017: 285-298.


Cohen, JL, Fathi R. Forehead treatment with Botulinum toxin. In Botulinum Toxins: Cosmetic and Clinical Applications. Wiley-Blackwell. September 2017: 147-164.


Hashim PW, Cohen JL, Pompei DT, Goldenberg G. Topical Cannabinoids in Dermatology. Cutis. July 2017: 50-52.


Cohen JL. Skin Cancers Among Hispanic Patients: Sounding the Alarm. Practical Dermatology. June 2017: 34-35.


Spring L, Krakowski AC, Alam M, Bhatia A, Brauer J, Cohen JL, et al. Isotretinoin and the Timing of Procedural Interventions: A Systematic Review with Consensus Recommendations. JAMA Dermatology. June 2017: E1-E8.


Alam M, Cohen JL, Petersen B, Schlessinger DI, Iyengar S, Poon E. Association of Different Surgical Sterile Prep Solutions With Infection Risk After Cutaneous Surgery of the Head and Neck. JAMA Dermatology. May 2017: E1-E2


Oliver B, Durrani S, Cohen JL, Friedman AJ. Current Perspectives Among U.S. Dermatologists on Chemoprevention of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: A Survey-Based Study. JDD. May 2017: 16(5) 449-452.


Cohen JL. To Attenuate the Skin Cancer Epidemic, Start Early. Practical Dermatology. April 2017: 42-44.


Hashim P, Levy Z, Cohen JL, Goldenberg G. Microneedling therapy with and without platelet-rich plasma (PRP). JDD. April 2017: 99: 239-242.


Schlessinger J, Gilbert E, Cohen J, Kaufmann J. New uses of abobotulinumtoxinA in aesthetics. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. April 2017: 37(S1) S45-S58.


Cohen JL, Scuderi N. Safety and patient satisfaction of abobotulinumtoxinA for aesthetic use: A systematic review. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. April 2017: 37(S1) S32-S44.


Totoraitis K, Cohen JL, Friedman A. Topical Approaches to Improve Surgical Outcomes and Wound Healing: A Review of Efficacy and Safety. JDD. March 2017: 16(3) 209-212.

2016 Publications


Botulinum Toxins (Chapter 40). J.D. Jensen, Scott R. Freeman, Joel L. Cohen in Cosmetic Dermatology: Products and Procedures. 2nd edition (p.364-374) (2016).


Axibal E, Kreger J, Contreras M, Cohen JL. Self-resolving eruptive keratoacanthomas after full-field erbium laser resurfacing. JDD. November 2016: 15(11) 611-614.


Cohen JL. A Compendium of Abstracts from Clinical Poster Presentations – MauiDerm 2016. JCAD. May 2016: 9(5) 8.


Cohen J, Geronemus R. Safety and efficacy evaluation of PDL, CO2 ablative fractional resurfacing and combined treatment for surgical scar clearance. JDD. November 2016:15(11) 29-33.


Cohen J, Weiner S, Pozner J et al. Multi-Center Pilot Study to Evaluate the Safety Profile of High Energy Fractionated Radiofrequency with Insulated Microneedles to Multiple Levels of the Dermis. JDD. November 2016: 15(11) 611-615.


Fathi R, Biesman B, Cohen JL. Commentary on ‘An anatomical analysis of the supratrochlear artery: considerations in facial filler injections and preventing vision loss’. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. November 2016: 1-3.


Fathi R, Cohen JL. Challenges, considerations, and strategies in hand rejuvenation. JDD. July 2016: 15(7) 809-18.


Eilers RE, Ross EV, Cohen JL, Ortiz AE. A combination approach to surgical scars. DermSurgery. May 2016 42 Suppl 2:S150-6.


Mahmoud BH, Ozog D, Burnett C, Cohen JL. Prospective randomized split-face comparative study between topical botulinum toxin A surface application and local injection for crow’s feet. Derm Surgery. April 2016. 42(4):554-6).


Narurkar VA, Cohen JL, et al. A comprehensive approach to multimodal facial aesthetic treatment: injection techniques and treatment characteristics from the HARMONY study. DermSurgery May 2016. 42:S117-S191.


Ross EV, Blalock TW, Winstanley D, Cohen JL, Childs JJ. Objective Melanin Measurements: Review of novel dosimetry guidance device for IPL’s in aesthetic treatments. JDD. April 2016: 15(4): 611-622.


Danhof RS, Cohen JL. A combination approach to perioral rejuvenation. JDD. Jan 2016: 15(1)611-12.


Cohen J, Berlin A. Surgical Insight: Improving bruising after facial filler injections. The Dermatologist. Jan 2016: 20-21.

2015 Publications


Chen DL, Cohen JL. Treatment of periorbital veins with long-pulse ND:YAG laser. JDD. Nov 2015: 14(11) 1360-32.


Cohen JL. Perioral rejuvenation with ablative erbium resurfacing. JDD. Nov 2015: 14(11) 1363-66.


Clementoni M, Cohen JL, Green JB, Munavalli GS, Ross EV. Targeted energy delivery with high intensity focused radiofrequency. Dermatology Times supplement. October 2015.


Cohen J, Berlin A. Surgical Insight: Improvement of post-surgical scars with laser devices. The Dermatologist. Sept 2015: 18-19.


Chen D, Cohen J. Botulinum Toxin-A chemical denervation for platysmal bands: maximal dosing considerations. JDD. Sept 2015: 14(9) 12.


Ibrahimi O, Weiss R, Weiss M, Halvorson C, Mayoral F, Ross EV, Cohen J. Treatment of acne scars with high intensity focused radio frequency. JDD. Sept 2015: 14(9): 1066-69.


Cohen J, Chen D et al. Additional thoughts on the new treatment Kybella. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. September 2015: 34(3). 138-39.


Chen D, Cohen J, Green J. Injectable agents affecting subcutaneous fats. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. September 2015: 34(3). 134-137.


Green J, Cohen J. Cellfina observations: pearls and pitfalls. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. September 2015: 34(3). 144-146.


Green J, Cohen J et al. Therapeutic approaches to cellulite. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. September 2015: 34(3). 140-143.


Cohen J. Botulinum Toxin: Science and Evidence Data, Dose, Duration, Dogma. JCAD. May 2015.


Cohen J, Carruthers A, Jones D, Narurkar V, Trout R, Cheskin L. A Randomized Study to Validate the Merz Hand Grading Scale for Live Assessments. DermSurgery September 2015.


Cohen JL, Biesman BS, Day SH et al. Treatment of hyaluronic acid filler-induced impending necrosis with hyaluronidase: consensus recommendations. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. May 2015 35(7):844-9.


Erickson BP, Lee WW, Cohen J, Grunebaum LD. The role of neurotoxins in the periorbital and midfacial areas. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. May 2015: 23(2):243-55.


Ellis LZ, Cohen JL, High W, Scholz TA. A Case of Multiple Atypical Nevi with Co-Localized Basal Cell Carcinomas on the Scalp: Insight into the Pathogenesis. JDD. May 2015 14(5): 946-950.


Stamell Ruiz E, Cohen J, Freedman A. Before or after: is there a connection between the use of adjuvant nonmelanoma skin cancer treatments and subsequent invasive tumors. JDD; May 2015 14(5): 12-13.


Connolly, K., Ozog, D., Cohen, J. Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Practice in Procedural Dermatology by Avram, Avram & Ratner. McGraw-Hill textbook. February 2015.

2014 Publications


Butler LK, Vergillis IJ, Cohen JL. Lasers and Laser-Like Devices in Mohs and Cutaneous Surgery: Maximizing Aesthetic Outcomes Edited by A Berlin. CRC Press. December 2014.


Nestor M, Bucay V, Callender V, Cohen J, Sadick N, Waldorf H. Polypodium leucotomos as an Adjunct Treatment of Pigmentary Disorders. JCAD. Mar 2014; 7:3. 13-17.


Jensen JD, Cohen JL. Nasal tip revision using a dermal graft. Derm Surg. 2014; 40:1140-1142.


Vergilis-Kalner IJ, Cohen JL. Response to the Possibility of the Application of Topical Photodynamic Therapy Leading to Development of More Histologically Aggressive Subtypes of Basal Cell Carcinomas. JDD. Mar 2014 (13):3, p 241


Jones D, Brandt F, Carruthers J, Cohen J, Narins R, Coleman W. Efficacy of incobotulinumtoxinA for treatment of glabellar frown lines: A post hoc pooled analysis of 2 randomized, placebo-controlled phase III trials. JAAD. May 2014 (70)5: Supplement 1 p. AB15.


Cohen JL. Scientific skepticism and new discoveries: an analysis of a report of zinc /phytase supplementation and the efficacy of botulinum toxins in treating cosmetic facial rhytides, hemifacial spasm and benign essential blepharospasm. JCLT. October 2014; 16(5): 258-62)


Cohen J, Thomas J, Paradkar D, et al. An interrater and intrarater reliability study of 3 Photographic Scales for the Classification of Perioral Aesthetic Features. 2014 Derm Surgery 2014: 40: 663-70


Cohen J, Gold M. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a lidocaine and tetracaine (7%/7%) cream for induction of local dermal anesthesia for facial soft tissue augmentation with hyaluronic acid. JCAD Oct 2014 7(10) 45-50.


Cohen J, Thomas J, Paradkar D, Rotunda A et al. An interrater and intrarater reliability study of 3 photographic scales for the classification of perioral aesthetic features. DermSurgery. 2014;40:663-670


Schlessinger, J., Dover, J., Joseph, JH., Lin, X. Monheit, G., Cohen, J. Long-Term Safety of AbobotulinumtoxinA for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines From a 36-Month, Multicenter, Open-Label Extension Study. Derm Surgery Feb 2014. 40:176-183.


Cohen JL. Rosacea-induced erythema: a new topical treatment how Mirvaso fits into the current treatment armamentarium for rosacea. Practical Dermatology. January 2014.


Koger C, Cohen J. The lasting effects of fillers through neocollagenesis. The Dermatologist. Apr 20141:25 PM 24-25.


The Derm Directory 7th edition. Robbins P, Beer K, Bikowski J, Cohen J, Goldman M et al.


JL Cohen. Chapter 4. Conundrum: Contralateral Nasolabial Flap for a Large Nasal Defect (p. 19-22). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 8. Conundrum: The Dorsal Nasal Flap for Reconstruction of Large Nasal Tip Defects (p. 43-28). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 10. Conundrum: Repair of a Large, Exposed-Cartilage Nasal Tip Defect Using Nasalis-Based Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps and Full-Thickness Skin Grafting (p. 55-62). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 12. Conundrum: Spiral Subcutaneous Island Pedicle Advancement Flap for Repair for Alar Defects (p. 71-74). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 13. Conundrum: Combined Hinge Flap Full-Thickness Skin Graft for a Through-and-Through Nasal Defect (p. 75-78). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 16. Conundrum: “Jigsaw Puzzle” Advancement Flap for Repair of a Surgical Defect Involving the Lateral Nasal Ala (p.93-98). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 23. Conundrum: Revisionary Technique for Alar Rim Notching: The Stair-Step Flap (p. 137-144). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 24 Conundrum: Reconstruction of a Surgical Defect Involving the Nasal Ala and Alar Crease (p.145-150). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 25. Conundrum: One-Stage Reconstruction of a Full-Thickness Nasal Defect Involving the Alar Rim (p. 151-156). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).


JL Cohen. Chapter 28. Conundrum: Nasal Dorsum Transposition Flap for Closure of an Alar Rim Defect (p.169-174). Wiley-Blackwell. Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery: The Nose. DS. Ratner, JL. Cohen, DG. Brodland (2014).

2013 Publications


Alam M, Dover J, Cohen J et al. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Dermatologic surgery drug and device nomenclature recommendations. Derm Surg 2013;39:1158-1166.


The Derm Directory 6th edition. Robbins P, Beer K, Bikowski J, Cohen J, Goldman M et al.


Cohen JL., Green LJ, Williams EF, Brandt FS, Tedaldi RE, Caulkins C, Somogyi C. A Multicenter, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled Study Assessing Patient Satisfaction With Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.03% for Increasing Eyelash Prominence. JAAD April 2013: 68(4):AB20


Alam, M. Ibrahim, O., Strasswimmer, JM., Jiang, SIB., Albano, BJ., Beshad, R., Benedetto, AV., Chan, S., Chilukuri, S., Cohen, JL., et al. 2012. Adverse Events Associated with Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of 20821 Cases at 23 Centers. JAMA Dermatology. 2013; 149(12):1378-1385.


Schlessinger T, Cohen JL, Ellison S. Purpura and Fillers: A Review of Pre-procedural, Intra-procedural and Post-procedural Considerations. JDD. October 2013: 12(10)1138-1142).


Cohen, JL. Erbium resurfacing for actinic cheilitis. JDD. November 2013:12(11)1290-1292.


Vergilis-Kalner IJ, Cohen JL. The Use of Photodynamic Therapy as Chemoprevention for the Treatment of Actinic Keratoses and Reduction in the Number of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers. JDD October 2013:12(10):7-8.


Cohen JL. Minimizing skin cancer surgical scars using ablative fractional Er:Yag laser treatment. JDD October 2013:12(10)946-948).


Franca K, Cohen JL, Grunebaum L. Cosmeceuticals for Recurrence Prevention After Prior Skin Cancer: An Overview. JDD May 2013: 12(5)516-18.


Cohen JL, Taylor M, Berlin AL. Actinic cheilitis treatment with ablative laser vermilionectomy. The Dermatologist. August 2013. 21(8): 24-25


Cohen JL, Mariwalla K. Combining Fillers and Neuromodulators in the Same Syringe. JDD. Sept 2013. 12(9) 976.


Cohen, JL. Pain management with a topical lidocaine and tetracaine 7%/7% cream with laser dermatologic procedures. JDD. Sept 2013.12(9) 986-89.


Hanke CW, Narins RS, Brandt F, Cohen JL, Donofrio LM, Downie J, Heinz M, Harrington L, McDaniel DH, Nestor M, Schlessinger J, Schlobe A, Taub A, Weiss RJ. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Phase III Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of IncobotulinumtoxinA in the Treatment of Glabellar Frown Lines Using a Stringent Composite Endpoint. Dermatologic Surgery.June 2013. 39(6): 891-99.


Marmur E, Cohen JL. Clinical applications of oral therapy for basal cell carcinoma. Cutaneous Oncology Today. January 2013. 3(1): 10-14.


Fabi SG, Cohen JL, Peterson J, Kiripolski MG, Goldman MP. The Effects of Filtrate of the Secretion of the Cryptomphalus Aspersa (SCA) on Photoaged Skin. JDD. 12(4): 283-87.


Cohen JL, Ackerman A. Scientific skepticism and new discoveries: Zinc /phytase supplementation and the efficacy of botulinum toxins in cosmetic treatments. JDD. 12(4): 1-4


Cohen JL, Berlin AL, Taylor M. Treatment of peri-orbital vessels with long pulse Nd:Yag laser. The Dermatologist. 22-23. April 2013


Cohen JL, Ross EV. Combined fractional ablative and nonablative laser resurfacing treatment:a split-face comparative study. JDD Feb 2013:12(2) 175-8.


Onwundiwe OC, Marmur ES, Cohen JL. Are We Too Cavalier About Anti-Viral Prophylaxis? JDD. Feb 2013:12(2).


Alam M, Helenowski IB, Cohen JL et al. Association between type of reconstruction following Mohs Micrographic Surgery and surgeon-, patient-, and tumor-specific features: A Cross-Sectional Study. Dermatologic Surgery Jan 2013;39: 51-5.


Cohen JL, Berlin AL. Improving outcomes and compliance for acne patients. The Dermatologist. Jan 2013: 22-23.


Cohen JL, Dayan SH, Brandt FS, et al. Systematic Review of Clinical Trials of Small- and Large-Gel-Particle Hyaluronic Acid Injectable Fillers for Aesthetic Soft Tissue Augmentation. Derm Surg. 2013(2)39:205-231.

2012 Publications


Ross EV, Vasily D, Cohen J, Weiss R, Green J, Kaufman J, Brandt F, Cerino M. Real-time melanin measurements to optimize treatment settings and avoid complications. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2012; 44(4): 351


Cohen, J.L. Utilizing blunt-tipped cannulas in specific regions for soft-tissue augmentation: Editorial on Cannulas. JDD. 2(8): 540-41). Aug 2012.


Ross V, Weiss R, Cohen J et al. Beyond Fitzpatrick: a new standard in skin typing for optimal outcomes. Dermatology Times. Sept 2012


Cohen, JL. Editorial: Prevention Education Must Begin Early. Cutaneous Oncology Today. August 2012.


Cohen JL, Berlin A. Integrating cannulas into your practice. The Dermatologist. 20(6):19-20. Jun 2012


Kleydman K, Cohen JL, Marmur E. Nitroglycerin: A review of its use in the treatment of vascular occlusion after soft tissue augmentation. Dermatologic Surgery. 38(12):1889-97. Dec 2012.


Cohen JL, Dayan S, Cox SE. OnabotulinumtoxinA Dose-Ranging Study for Hyperdynamic Perioral Lines. Dermatologic Surgery. 38(9)1497-1505. Sep 2012.


Zeichner, Cohen. Use of blunt tipped cannulas for soft tissue fillers. JDD. 11(1):70-72. January 2012.


Ellis L, Cohen JL, High W, Stewart L. Melanoma in-situ successfully treated with imiquimod following non-clearance in surgery: review of the literature. Dermatologic Surgery. 38(6)937-46. Jun 2012


Liu A, Ozog D, Cohen JL. Botulinum Toxin A for the treatment of horizontal forehead lines. Chapter 14, Botulinum Toxin. Elsevier Saunders. 2013.


Robins P, Beer K, Bikowski J, Cohen JL, Goldman MP, Lupo M, Sadik N. The Derm Directory 2012. Co-Editor.


Ellis LZ, Cohen JL, High W. Granulomatous reaction to silicone injection. J of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 5(7):44-7. Jul 2012.


Liu A, Carruthers A, Cohen JL, Coleman WP, Dover JS, Hancke CW, Moy RL, Ozog DM. Recommendations and current practices for the reconstitution and storage of botulinum toxin type A. JAAD. 67(3)373-8. Sep 2012.


Berlin AL, Cohen JL. Surgical Repair Using a V-Y Advancement Flap. The Dermatologist. 44-46. March 2012.


Cohen JL, Makino E, Sonti S, Mehta R. Case Reports: Synergistic Combination of an In-Office Procedure and Home Regimen for the Treatment of Facial Hyperpigmentation. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Volume 5(4) p. 33-35. April 2012.


Cohen JL, Onwundiwe O. Vascular compromise after hyaluronic acid cheek augmentation. JDD. 11(3):s12-s14. March 2012.

2011 Publications


Robins P, Beer K, Bikowski J, Cohen JL, Goldman MP, Lupo M, Sadik N. The Derm Directory 2011. Co-Editor.


Cohen, JL. Complications of Botulinum Toxin. Medscape Summer 2011.


Berlin A, Cohen JL. Treatment of Perioral vertical muscle columns. Skin and Aging, 19(7) p. 19-20. July 2011.


Emer J, Waldorf H, Cohen JL. Chapter 12: Complications and Their Management. Illustrated Manual of Injectable Fillers. Eds. Sadick NS, Carniol PJ, Roy D, Wiest L. Ch 12: 139-166. Informa Healthcare: 2011.


Nelson A, Cohen JL. How We Do It: Modified Tripier Flap for Lateral Eyelid Reconstructions. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Feb 2011;10.2:199(3)


Bailey SH, Cohen JL, Kenkel JM. Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment of Dermal Filler Complications. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Jan 2011; 31.1: 110-121.


Dreno B, Fischer TC, Perosino E, Poli F, Viera MS, Rendon MI, Berson DS, Cohen JL, Roberts WE, Starker I, Wang B. Expert Opinion: Efficacy of superficial chemical peels in active acne management – what can we learn from the literature today? Evidence-based recommendations. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Jun 2011; 25.6:695-704.

2010 Publications


Alam M., Berg D., Bhatia A., Cohen JL., et al. Association Between Number of Stages in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Surgeon-, Patient-, and Tumor-Specific Features: A Cross-Sectional Study of Practice Patterns of 20 Early- and Mid-Career Mohs Surgeons. Dermatologic Surgery, Dec 2010; 36: 1915–1920.


Narurkar, Beer, Cohen J. An open-label trial examining the efficacy and safety of a pre- and post-procedure topical five-product system (Clinique Medical Optimizing Regimen) specifically formulated to complement laser/light-based facial cosmetic procedures. J Cosmet Laser Ther. Dec 2010; 12(6):288-95.


Contreras ME, Cohen JL. Commentary: Revisiting the Data: Mild Resting Glabellar Lines Improve With OnabotulinumtoxinA. Dermatologic Surgery, Dec 2010; 36: 2172–2174.


Gold, Katz, Cohen JL, Biron J. Human Growth Factor Cream and Hyaluronic Acid Serum in Conjunction with Micro Laser Peel: An Efficient Regimen for Skin Rejuvenation, J Clin Aesth Derm. Dec 2010; 3(12): 37–42.


Nelson A, Cohen JL. Part IV Overview, Chapter 15: Post procedure management and patient instruction. Augmentation Fillers in Dermatology. 2010. Ed. Strauss M. Cambridge Press: New York.


Robins P, Beer K, Bikowski J, Cohen JL, Goldman MP, Lupo M, Sadik N. The Derm Directory 2010. Co-Editor.


Zeichner, Joshua A., and Joel L. Cohen. “Letter to the editor regarding anti-coagulants and soft-tissue augmentation.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Sept 2010; (9)9:1059.


Rendon MI, Berson DS, Cohen JL, Roberts WE, Starkers I, Wang B. Evidence and Considerations in the Application of Chemical Peels in Skin Disorders and Aesthetic Resurfacing. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 2010;3(7):32-43.


Cohen, JL. Commentary: From Serendipity to Pilot Study and Then Pivotal Trial: Bimatoprost topical for eyelash growth. Dermatologic Surgery. May 2010; 36(5):650-51.


Cohen, JL. Actinic Keratosis Treatment as a Key Component of Preventive Strategies for Non-melanoma Skin Cancer. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology June 2010; 3(6):39-44.


Strahan J, Cohen JL, Chorny J. Combined Multifocal Indeterminate Cell Histiocytosis and Basal Cell Carcinoma. Archives of Dermatology. March 2010; 146(3):346-47.


Cohen JL. Enhancing the Growth of Natural Eyelashes: The Mechanism of Bimatoprost-Induced Eyelash Growth. Dermatologic Surgery, Sept 2010; 36: 1361–1371


Glashofer M, Cohen JL. Chapter 10: Complications from Soft-Tissue Augmentation of the Face: A Guide to Understanding, Avoiding, and Managing Periprocedural Issues. Injectable Fillers: Principles and Practice. Eds. Jones D. Chapter 10: 121-139. Blackwell Publishing: 2010.


Cohen JL, Freeman SR. Chapter 42: Botulinum toxins. Cosmetic Dermatology: Products and Procedures. Eds. Draelos ZD. Chapter 42: 342-351. Blackwell Publishing: 2010.

2009 Publications


Berlin A, Cohen JL. Surgical Insights. Challenge: Treatment of Xanthelasma Palpebrarum. Skin and Aging. Aug 2009; 17(8).


Strahan J, Cohen JL.: Fillers. Cosmetic Dermatology. Eds. Alam M, Gladstone HB, Tung RC. Saunders Elsevier Limited: 2009; p59-79.


Tutrone W, Cohen JL. Dissolving Collagen Fillers: Enzymatic Degradation of Some Problematic Filler Circumstances May Now Include Collagens. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Dec 2009; 8(12): 1140-41.


Cohen JL, Bhatia A. The Role of Topical Vitamin K Oxide Gel in the Resolution of Postprocedural Purpura. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Nov 2009; 8(11): 1020-24.


Berson DS, Cohen JL, Rendon MI, Roberts WE, Starker I, Wang B. Clinical Role and Application of Superficial Chemical Peels in Today’s Practice. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Sept 2009; 8(9).


Monheit GD, Cohen JL. Long-term safety of repeated administrations of a new formulation of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of glabellar lines: Interim analysis from an open-label extension study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Sept 2009: 421-25.


Cohen JL, Schlessinger J, Cox S, Lin X, for the Reloxin Investigational Group. An Analysis of the Long-Term Safety Data of Repeat Administrations of BoNT-A for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Nov/Dec 2009; 29(6S):S43-49.


The Derm Directory 2009. Eds. Beer K, Cohen JL, Goldman MP, Lupo M. Physicians Continuing Education Corporation: 2009.


Chen TM, Nguyen, T, Cohen J. Adult with a Red Plaque at the Site of a Childhood Vaccination Scar. American Family Physician, June 2009; 79 (11): 995-96.


Cohen J, Brown M. Anatomic Considerations for Soft Tissue Augmentation of the Face. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2009; 8(1):13-6.


Cohen J, Babcock M. Ablative Fractionated Erbium: YAG Laser for the Treatment of Ice Pick Alar Scar Due to Neodymium: YAG Laser Burns. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2009; 8(1):65-7.


Berlin A, Cohen J. Treatment of Melasma. Skin and Aging. March 2009. p 29-30.

2008 Publications


Berson D, Cohen J, Starker I et al. Chemical Peel Review Part I and II. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Sept 2009.


Strahan J, Cohen J. Expanding the Applicability of the Bilobed Flap. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2008; 7(11):2-6.


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B, Kaur M, Goertelmeyer R, Jones D, Rzany B, Cohen J, et al. A Validated Brow Positioning Grading Scale. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(2):150-4.


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B, Kaur M, Goertelmeyer R, Jones D, Rzany B, Cohen J, et al. A Validated Grading Scale for Forehead Lines. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(2):155-60.


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B, Kaur M, Goertelmeyer R, Jones D, Rzany B, Cohen J, et al. A Validated Lip Fullness Grading Scale. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(2):161-6.


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B, Kaur M, Goertelmeyer R, Jones D, Rzany B, Cohen J, et al. A Validated Grading Scale for Crows Feet. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(2):173-8.


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B, Kaur M, Goertelmeyer R, Jones D, Rzany B, Cohen J, et al. A Validated Hand Grading Scale. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(2):179-183.


Berlin A, Cohen J. Surgical Insights. Challenge: Correction of Cheek Volume Loss. Skin and Aging. 2008; 16(10)28-9.


Cohen JL. Understanding, Avoiding, and Managing Dermal Filler Complications. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(1):92-9.


Cohen JL, Berlin A. Surgical Insights. Challenge: Treatment of Diffuse Actinic Keratoses on the Scalp. Skin and Aging. 2008;16(6):24-5.


Cohen JL. Choosing the Right Filler. Skin and Aging. 2008; 16(5)


Beer K, Yohn, M, Cohen JL. Evaluation of injectable CaHa for the treatment of mid-face volume loss. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2008; 7(4):359-66.


Cohen JL, et al. Facial rejuvenation: Fillers. Regional Approach to Aesthetic Rejuvenation. Eds. Hirsch R, Sadick N, Cohen JL. New York. McGraw-Hill Professional; 2008.


Cohen JL, Berlin AL. Surgical insights: Challenge: Surgical repair of alar defect. Skin and Aging. January 2008. p. 22-23.


Freeman S, Cohen JL. New neurotoxins on the horizon. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2008; 28(3):325-30.


Kasper D, Cohen JL, Saxena A, Morganroth GS. Fillers for postsurgical depressed scars after skin cancer reconstruction. Journal of Drugs in Demratology. 2008; 7(5):10-1.


Strahan J, Cohen J. Mesotherapy Induced Granuloma Annulare. Dermatologic Surgery. 2008; 34(6):836-8.


Nelson AA, Cohen JL. Chapter 20: Complications of temporary, semi-permanent and permanent fillers. Complications in Dermatologic Surgery. Ed. Nouri K. Elsevier, 2008.


Nijhawan RI, Cohen JL, Kaufman J. Persistent erythema after human collagen injections. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2008; 21(2):90-4.


Narins RS., Michaels, J., Cohen, JL. Chapter 4: Hylans and soft tissue augmentation. Soft tissue augmentation. Chapter 4:31-50. Suanders Elsevier: Philadelphia. 2008.

2007 Publications


Beer K, Cohen JL. The cosmetic clinic: Earlobe lifts using minimally invasive surgery. Skin and Aging. 2007; 15(4):23-6.


Carruthers, A., Carruthers, J., Cohen, J. Dilution volume of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of glabellar rhytides: Does it matter? Dermatologic Surgery. 2007; 33:S97-S104


Carruthers A., Cohen, J., Beer, K. Cosmetic uses of botulinum toxin A. Clinical Uses of Botulinum Toxins. Chapter 15: 328-48. Eds. Ward AB, Barnes MP. Cambridge Univeristy Press: New York. 2007


Carruthers A, Cohen JL, Cox SE, DeBoulle K, Faigen S, Finn CJ, Flynn T, Lowe NJ, Raspaldo H, Sommer B, de Alameida AT. Facial aesthetics: Achieving the natural, relaxed look. Journal of Cosmetic Laser Therapy. 2007; 9(1):6-10.


Chorny JA, Stephens FV, Cohen JL. Eruptive keratoacanthomas in a new tattoo. Archives of Dermatology. 2007; 143(11):1457-8.


Cohen JL. Botulinum neurotoxin clinical update. Supplement to Cosmetic Dermatology. 2007; 20(7):8-13.


Cohen JL. Introduction. A Supplement to Cosmetic Dermatology. 2007; 20(7):3.


Cohen JL. Optimizing the safety profile of botulinum neurotoxin. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2007; 20(7):429-32.


Cohen JL. Tips on choosing the right filler. Derm Practice. Fall 2007.


Cohen JL. Uncovering uses for renova in cosmetic dermatology. Supplement to Practical Dermatology. 2007; (5):12-4.


Cohen, JL, Beer, K. Botulinum Toxins. Facial Rejuvenation. Chapter 4: 80-103. Ed. David J. Goldberg. Heidelberg: New York.2007.


Cohen JL, Berlin AL. Surgical insights: Challenge: Injecting fillers in the infra-orbirtal area. Skin and Aging. 2007; 15(10):28-9.


Cohen JL, Berlin AL. Surgical insights: Challenge: Improving acne scars. Skin and Aging: 2007; 15(8):38-9.


Cohen JL, Cohen G, Solish N, Murray CA. Diagnosis, impact and management of focal hyperhydrosis: Treatment review including botulinum toxin therapy. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2007; 15(1):17-30.


Cohen JL, Jorizzo JL, Kircik LH. Use of a topical emulsion for wound healing. A Supplement to the Journal of Supportive Oncology. 2007; 5(10).


Cohen JL, Jorizzo JL, Kircik LH. Use of a topical emulsion for wound healing. A Supplement to Skin and Allergy News. 2007.


Gladstone HB, Cohen JL. Adverse effects when injecting facial fillers. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 2007; 26(1):34-9.


Greenberg HL, Cohen JL, Rosen T, Orengo I. Case reports: Severe reaction to 5% imiquimod cream with excellent clinical and cosmetic outcomes. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2007; 6(4):452-8.


Hirsh RJ, Cohen JL. Surgical insights: Challenge: Correcting superficially placed hyaluronic acid. Skin and Aging. 2007; 15(1):36-8.


Hirsch RJ, Cohen JL. Surgical insights: Challenge: Minimizing purpura with compression technology. Skin and Aging. 2007; 15(5):24-5.


Hirsch RJ, Cohen JL, Carruthers JD. Successful management of an unusual presentation of impending necrosis following a hyaluronic acid injection embolus and a proposed algorithm for management with hylauronidase. Dermatologic Surgery. 2007; 33(3):357-60.


Hirsch RJ, Lupo M, Cohen JL, Duffy D. Case reports: Delayed presentation of impending necrosis following soft tissue augmentation with hyaluronic acid and successful management with hyluronidase. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2007; 6(3):325-8.


Hirsch RJ, Lupo ML, Cohen JL, Duffy D. Letters to the editor. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2007.


Lupo ML, Cohen JL, Rendon MI. Novel eye cream containing mixture of human growth factors and cytokines for periorbital skin rejuvenation. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2007; 6(7):725-9.


Murray CA, Cohen JL, Solish N. Treatment of focal hyperhydrosis. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 2007; 11(2):67-77.


Narins RS, Cohen JL, Beer K. Injectable skin fillers. Roenigk’s Dermatological Surgery: Current Techniques in Procedural Dermatology, Third Edition. Chapter 70:705-18. Eds. Roenigk RK, Ratz JL, Roenigk Jr. HH. Informa Healthcare USA, Inc: New York. 2007.


Stewart DB, Morganroth GS, Mooney MA, Cohen JL, Levin PS, Glastone HB. Management of visible granulomas following periorbital injection of Poly-L-Lactic Acid. Opthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2007; 23(4):298-301.


Tsao S, Cohen JL. Faces and fillers: An overview and a discussion of possible complications and tips on avoiding them. Supplement to Skin and Aging. 2007; (10):23-7.

2006 Publications


Beer K, Cohen JL. Upper face rejuvenation. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2006; 19(9):567-70.


Berlin A, Cohen JL, Goldberg DJ. Calcium hydroxylapatite for facial rejuvenation. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 2006; 25(3):132-7.


Chorny JA, Cohen J. Pigmented purpuric dermatosis associated with creatine supplementation. Archives of Dermatology. 2006;142:1662-3.


Cohen JL. Radiesse for helical rim depressed scars. Skin and Aging. 2006; 14(9): 48.


Cohen JL, Dayan SH. Botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of dermatochalasis: An open-label, randomized, dose-comparison study. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2006; 5(7):596-601.


Cohen JL, Hirsch, RJ. Surgical insights: Challenge: Closing a mid-nasal sidewall defect. Skin and Aging. 2006; 14(6):32-3.


Cohen JL, Hirsch RJ. Surgical insights: Challenge: Correcting a downturned smile. Skin and Aging. 2006, 14(2):52-3.


Cohen JL, Hirsch RJ. Surgical insights: Challenge: Correcting low-lying brows. Skin and Aging. 2006; 14(4):30-1.


Cohen JL, Hirsch RJ. Surgical insights: Challenge: Treating palmar hyperhidrosis. Skin and Aging. 2006;14(9):33-4.


Glaich AS, Behroozan DS, Cohen JL, Goldberg LH. Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the skin: A report of two cases treated with complete microscopic margin control and review of literature. Dermatologic Surgery. 2006; 32(2):316-9.


Glaich AS, Cohen JL, Goldberg LH. Achieving a lateral brow lift with botulinum toxin type A. Cosmetic Dermatology. 2006; 19(2):121-3.


Glaich AS, Cohen JL, Goldberg LH. Injection necrosis of the glabella: Protocol for prevention and treatment after use of dermal fillers. Dermatologic Surgery. 2006; 32(2):276-81.


Hirsch RJ, Cohen JL. Soft tissue augmentation. CUTIS. 2006; 78: 165-72.


Narins RS, Jewell M, Rubin M, Cohen J, Strobos J. Clinical conference: Management of rare events following dermal fillers – focal necrosis and angry red bumps. Dermatologic Surgery. 2006; 32:426-34.

2004 Publications


Cohen JL, Barankin B, Zloty DM, Mikhail GR. Metastatic zosteriform squamous cell carcinoma in an immunocompetent patient. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. 2004; 8(6):438-41.

2003 Publications


Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Cohen J. A prospective, double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, dose ranging study of botulinum toxin type A in female subjects with horizontal forehead rhytides. Dermatologic Surgery. 2003; 29: 461-7.


Cohen JL, Solish N. Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2003; 11(4):493-502.


Cohen JL, Keoleian CM, Krull EA. Penile paraffinoma: Self-injection with mineral oil. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2002; 47(5 Supplement): S351-3.


Fivenson D, Goldberg-Arnold RJ, Kaniecki DJ, Cohen JL, Frech F, Finlay AY. The effect of atopic dermatitis on total burden of illness and quality of life on adults and children in a large managed care organization. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacology. 2002; 8(5):333-42.


Kiebert G, Sorenson S, Revicki D, Fagan S, Doyle J, Cohen JL, Fivenson D. Atopic dermatitis is associated with a decrement in health-related quality of life. International Journal of Dermatology. 2002; 41:151-8.

2001 Publications


Cohen JL, Keoleian CM, Krull EA. Penile paraffinoma: Self injection with mineral oil. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2001; 45(6):S222-4.

2000 Publications


Lim HW, Cohen JL. The cutaneous porphyrias: Present and future. Current Problems in Dermatology. 2000; 12:35-40.


Shieh S, Cohen JL, Lim HW. Management of porphyria cutanea tarda in the setting of chronic renal failure: A case report and review. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2000; 42(4):645-52.

1999 Publications


Lim HW, Cohen JL. The Cutaneous porphyrias. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and surgery. 1999;18:285-92.

1998 Publications


Harnick DJ, Cohen JL, Schechter CB, Fuster V, Smith DA. Effects of practice setting on quality of lipid-lowering management in patients with coronary artery disease. American Journal of Cardiology. 1998; 81:1416-20.

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